Ritual tea drinking? This may sound strange, but according to the Australian alternative physician Dr. Shura Ford it is the ideal way to recover from the stress and hustle and bustle of everyday life. If you turn a hot cup of herbal tea into a regular event in the evening, you can even pre-program relaxation!
If you enjoy your tea in a ritual way, you will automatically incorporate moments of conscious relaxation into your everyday life. For your own tea ritual, look for a quiet place (preferably at home) where you can sip your hot drink undisturbed and relax. Everyone has to find their own favourite variety, but herbal teas are especially recommended because they have a calming effect.
Large-leaved teas are particularly suitable for preparation with Tea Control. This brewer is equipped with a patented brew-control meachanism- a simple turn of the lid corners the tea leaves and slows the brewing process. Your loose-leaf tea can remain in the heat-resistant glass without compromising the flavor by becoming bitter. A further advantage is that it allows multiple brewings.
I try to do my tea ritual every day, even if it doesn´t always succeed, I notice that only the pure thought of it has something calming about it.
Available here: Tea Control 0.4 L
As you all know often tea doesn’t come alone but with delicious baked goods, so I would like to recommend a delicious autumn recipe to you today:
Aldona for finum